Wrap a Column with a Wall Mural

Greek and Roman columns can eat their hearts out. Look at what Mickey R. of Glen Burnie, Maryland did by wrapping this column with a Magic Mural. It looks absolutely fabulous and ranks right up there with some of the most creative uses for a mural we’ve ever seen.

What makes it even more creative is the vision it took to take the original color mural and have us print it in grey scale. You can see the original in the comments below.

Thanks so much, Mickey, for sharing this with us. The whole room looks great.

#MagicMurals #Column #Architectural

This is the original mural image. It took real vision to see what it would look like in gray scale wrapped around that column.

Here’s the link:https://www.magicmurals.com/paris-square-in-watercolor.html

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