Quick Ways to Add Depth to Any Small Space

Working with small spaces can be both fun & challenging. It beckons our inner creative guru to come out & play.

Landscape murals can make your small area bigger for many reasons. Scenic landscapes add color, depth, and dimension. They can create an almost optical illusion of an enlarged space. Whether it’s rolling hills, sky-high mountain tops, endless rivers, vast ocean scenes, wooded countrysides, or floral gardens. You can bring your favorite scenic view into your home all year long.

Catherine K.S. of Escondido, CA installed two of our landscape murals in her California home to optimize and accentuate her small spaces. The first mural she chose, Le Scale (from artist Guido Borelli), was installed over her stone fireplace in her living area.

This placement created a natural stone border around the mural. Catherine harnessed this small space and expanded it into Tuscany’s countryside bringing in soft yellows, oranges, and greens.

Catherine writes:

“We are very happy with them and everyone thinks an artist came into our home to do these.”

Next, Catherine chose, II Mercato del Lago (from artist Guido Borelli) and installed it in her dining room area. She wanted something that would layer well with her dark wood collectible cabinet.


She then went a step further adding a wooden arch frame, stained a dark finish, around the mural which enabled her to tie in all of her design concepts. Bellissimo, Catherine! Check out more of our landscape murals for your creative inspiration and don’t forget to see artist Guido Borelli’s full collection on our site.




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