You Will Never Look At Your Closet Space the Same Again

Custom cropped vineyard murals, and wine murals put final touches on this elegantly cozy space.

Closet spaces have notoriously been home to our favorite clothes, shoes, and other personal items. However, “wine not” try something a little different with your closet space? Bob T. of Virginia Beach, Virginia pours a big glass of inspiration with his most recent home improvement project!

“I just finished turning a downstairs closet into a climate controlled wine room. The focal point is a small countertop with glass rack above.

I was searching for a piece of artwork to serve as an appropriate backdrop and found exactly what I was looking for at
Magic Murals at a great price.

The vineyard hillside scene ties in perfectly and, with it sized to fit the exact opening, it was very easy to install. Thanks for helping to add a very nice finishing touch to my project.”


“The perfect background scene for my wine closet! A great finishing touch.”


Featured Mural | Siena Harvest


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