Colorful Italian Wall Mural Creates 3D Effect

Sleeping in Italy?! Well, no…but this mural will have you feeling like you are!

“We are very pleased with the mural as the two panels were much easier
to install than what we had expected. We’ve installed wallpaper
frequently over the years but never anything as large as 48″ panels.
The installation instructions were very good, and the results speak for
themselves. We did use the spray bottle method.

What we thought was interesting, and we had somewhat planned for it,
the image depicts two walls, and we were able to install the mural
panels such that the corner of the walls in the mural aligned
perfectly with the walls of the bedroom. ”

Mural: II Cortile e i Fiori

Location: Brockton, MA

Material: UltraStik™ Pre-Pasted Wallpaper, Smooth Matte Finish

Size: MEDIUM — 6′ 5″ (h) x 8′ 0″ (w) – 2 Panels

II Cortile e i Fiori

“I am a true lover of nature and of everything gentle. My landscapes and houses combine reality and imagination. First, I store in my mind all views that I find interesting. Later, when I need a subject, those views resurface in my memory, and I paint what I selectively remember of them, with intrinsically personal modifications.” – Guido Borelli

See more Italian landscapes and other scenery from Guido Borelli!

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