Never Under Estimate the Power of Love or a Wall Mural

In the spirit of Valentines Day and in the spirit of love, we are sharing this heartfelt love story from Magic Murals client LaRue. ❤️

–2013 was quite a rough year for me. I went through a divorce, and I lost my father to congestive heart failure. Afterward, I had my sights set on moving to New York City and starting fresh in the city of dreams. But, my plans got delayed due to some unforeseen circumstances. I still had big dreams to move to the Big Apple when a neighbor invited me to her crawfish boil.

At that party, I met an incredible man with an incredible presence (imagine a MAN’S MAN). He had these twinkling blue-gray eyes and a mischievous grin. His eyes drew me in, and we instantly became inseparable, talking for hours and hours on end. Five days later, we were already saying I love you. It is/was the kind of love you read about in books or see in films. It is the kind of love I longed for in my darkest hours of feeling loss, anger, and hurt. I wanted to be loved like no other, to be cherished for who I am – ALL that I am, unconditionally, without limit.

And that is what I found in Jason. I found rest. I found peace. I found true contentment and deep love.

Because my husband (we got married over three years ago!!) knows how much I love New York and because he is a very handy man (a man’s man, I tell ya!).

He helped create an office for me with an NYC-loft feel in our new house. He cut the veneers off 460 bricks so I could have an authentic brick wall. He built me a gorgeous wood and steel desk, carved the name of my corporation into it, and filled the letters with turquoise beads and topped it off with a clear epoxy finish. He graciously put up the wall mural I bought from Magic Murals while my dachshund Hailey and I supervised (haha!). And, we painted the other walls a deep turquoise (my favorite color).

Over the past year, I must have looked at more than 500 wall murals of NYC from various sources. It was SO HARD choosing one! I had wanted a skyline view or an aerial view of the city, but in the end, I decided I loved this one best because Grand Central and the Chrysler Building are my two favorite buildings in New York.

Another reason I loved this one is that it shows movement. It is electric! I feel like I’m standing right there and can hear all the noises of the hustling and bustling energy that makes New York so magical.

Grand Central Mural

Thank you Magic Murals for rounding out my perfect NYC loft-like office! A bigger thanks, however, goes to my wonderful husband who made it all happen!

I should also add that the mural was SO EASY to put up. At least, my husband sure made it look really easy!! And it came in three panels, which was lovely, instead of 8 like some of the other companies offered (that’s a LOT of lines in the image to match up!).

The cool thing is, you guys say I can take it down and re-use it somewhere else someday?? What?? That’s cool!

But, it won’t be necessary. We are staying put for a LONG time. haha. 🙂



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